MyCollective - Group-mints App

Inspired by the adoption of progressive web apps (PWAs) with, Liquality launched MyCollective, a PWA that enables minting campaigns within minting groups. Increased participation leads to greater rewards for both minters and creators. As a hub within the web3 ecosystem, this application empowers groups to unite around common objectives and act together as onchain collectives without the constraints of multisig requirements or DAO approval processes.

MyCollective - Group-mints App

Inspired by the adoption of progressive web apps (PWAs) with, Liquality launched MyCollective, a PWA that enables minting campaigns within minting groups. Increased participation leads to greater rewards for both minters and creators. As a hub within the web3 ecosystem, this application empowers groups to unite around common objectives and act together as onchain collectives without the constraints of multisig requirements or DAO approval processes.

MyCollective - Group-mints App

Inspired by the adoption of progressive web apps (PWAs) with, Liquality launched MyCollective, a PWA that enables minting campaigns within minting groups. Increased participation leads to greater rewards for both minters and creators. As a hub within the web3 ecosystem, this application empowers groups to unite around common objectives and act together as onchain collectives without the constraints of multisig requirements or DAO approval processes.

MyCollective - Group-mints App


Inspired by the adoption of progressive web apps (PWAs) with, Liquality launched MyCollective, a PWA that enables minting campaigns within minting groups. Increased participation leads to greater rewards for both minters and creators. As a hub within the web3 ecosystem, this application empowers groups to unite around common objectives and act together as onchain collectives without the constraints of multisig requirements or DAO approval processes.

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MyCollective - Group-mints App


Inspired by the adoption of progressive web apps (PWAs) with, Liquality launched MyCollective, a PWA that enables minting campaigns within minting groups. Increased participation leads to greater rewards for both minters and creators. As a hub within the web3 ecosystem, this application empowers groups to unite around common objectives and act together as onchain collectives without the constraints of multisig requirements or DAO approval processes.



The primary goal is to enable individuals within a group to collectively maintain a unified onchain identity while retaining decision-making autonomy. By eliminating the need for multisig structures, our platform addresses the challenge of centralized governance and empowers users to take independent actions within their groups.


The biggest challenge with MyCollectives was the UX challenges of using the collective SDK together with erc-4337. Also, how to achieve network effects of bootstrapping a group-based minting campaign.


A standalone app aimed at incentivizing new behavior (group onchain minting) faces the cold start problem of a two-sided market. Utilizing a novel smart contract wallet architecture improved UX by reducing friction.

Use cases

Liquality’s MyCollective app and related SDK support various collective initiatives, such as community-driven projects, decentralized organizations, and collaborative campaigns. By offering a centralized space for group coordination and governance, the tech enables efficient collaboration and decision-making among participants.

Technologies used

Collective Protocol, collective SDK, Reservoir, Wagmi, Web3 Modal, Pimlico erc-4337.